• overtraining

    Overtraining is a state that our body falls into when we simply train too much and place too much stress on the body. It's important we realize that overtraining does not come about from a couple of hard and intense training sessions in the gym. It happens overtime as a result of intense and continuous training. When we overtrain, our bodies will find it increasingly harder to fully recover and recuperate between training sessions causing muscle and strength gains to stall. Overtraining has a tendency to creep up on us without knowing, first appear on sustanoncycle.top website, so here are 3 of the top signs of overtraining you need to look out for:

    1. A Lack of Progress in Your Routine

    Seeing a lack of progress in your routine and your lifts can be an early sign that overtraining may be creeping up on you. However, before you assume it's overtraining and take a week off from the gym switch up your routine. A lack of progress can be an early sign of overtraining but it can also be a sign of a weight training plateau.

    When was the last time you switched up your routine and did something different in the gym? Overtime the body can become accustomed to the same exercises, reps and weight that are being used in a routine. To put your muscles under a different kind of stress switch around your exercises, perform new exercises or lift more weight for less reps. Change something!

    2. Not in the Mood

    Remember the time when you first starting working out and every session, every set, every rep was important. Even when lifts were tough you enjoyed them. You enjoyed forcing out those last couple of reps because you knew they were worth it. Have you still got that same drive? Are you still motivated every workout to get in the gym and give it 100%?

    When we overtrain we not only make things harder for ourselves but we start believing that it's just not worth it anymore. If it's truly not worth it anymore you wouldn't keep coming back. You wouldn't make sacrifices or discipline yourself to eat well and workout on a regular basis.

    It's all in our minds. Just because things are not going as well as they once did does not mean we should quit. Progress will return once you perfect your diet, routine and get some much needed recovery time.

    3. Loss of Concentration

    Losing concentration can be another sign of overtraining. If you're in the gym and finding it hard to concentrate on your exercises and sets then it may be time for a break. Looking around at others, having the tendency to abandon certain parts of your workout and just going through the motions in the gym are all top signs that you need to take a step back from your training. Lower the weight or reduce the volume of your routine. Either that or take a complete week's break from your training.

    Everyone will encounter signs of overtraining at some stage. To prevent overtraining from ruining your attempts to build muscle you will need to cut back on the volume and workload of your routine or take a complete week or two break from the gym. No-one can consistently put their bodies through sessions of intense weight lifting every single day of their lives. The body will eventually fall behind in its attempts of recovery and your workouts will lack any form of intensity and progression.

    If you're the type of person who wants to be training as often as possible then instead of taking a break from your training you should schedule a deload week into your routine every 8-12 weeks. A deload week is where you lift less weight and/or reduce your training volume. This is a great way to keep stimulating the muscle while it fully recovers. You should be able to come back the following week feeling strong and refreshed.

    Remember that if you take a complete week or two off from your training you still need to maintain a good diet. Weightlifting and diet are both equally as important as the other. Stick to the same diet you use for building muscle and do not think this is an opportunity to cheat and eat whatever you like. A week or two break from training will result in you coming back a little less stronger than you once were. This is natural. Take a week or two to ease back into things and then bump the weight back up to kick start your progress and muscle gains.

  • Cardio

    All people are created equal, but unfortunately not all exercises can say the same. Some exercise routines are really good for fat burning, while others can even be counter productive.

    Unfortunately there is a widespread belief that just doing any cardio is time well spent. So rarely do people analyze whether the exercise routines they are doing is really of any benefit to them. You see this all the time at the gym, people connected congress lined up at the treadmills doing a brisk walk or sitting on an exercise bike looking bored and tedious. After a half an hour or so time’s up and it’s time to pack up and go home.

    There are many problems with this type of exercise routine which is why many people never see results.

    A low intensity exercise simply doesn’t burn enough calories to make a meaningful result. This type of cardio doesn’t really put your body into a “recovery” mode where your fat tissue breaks down and is used as energy all throughout the day, including in your sleep!

    Long duration aerobic exercising can’t break down fat fast enough for energy, thus it uses your carbohydrate stores. For the first 10-15 minutes of going on a run, your body is probably burning mostly carbohydrates before it dips into your fat stores. For those that are ONLY running 10-20 minutes, your body’s fat burning results are minimal.

    The best way to optimize your fitness regiment to center around fat loss is to switch it up between aerobic exercises and anaerobic exercises. Sprints are an excellent example of this. Rather than running for say 10 to 15 minutes; do intervals of one minute sprints at a fast pace and high intensity, then walk it off for another minute.

    High intensity interval training (HIIT) can be incorporated into just about every exercise. Indeed, many of the workout machines have a variety of options to explore that change up the pace over a half an hour; I highly recommended using them rather than just setting it on an medium pace and slugging away. You’ll find it makes your workouts more challenging but also more fun and interesting as well, keeping you motivated in the long run.

    Here is an outline of what a high intensity workout might look like:

    1. 5 minutes of a warmup jog
    2. 10 minutes of sprints, alternating between 1-minute full sprints and 1-minute fast walking
    3. 5 minutes of uphill interval sprints (really crank up the elevation to a noticeably level)
    4. 5 minutes interval training on an exercise bike
    5. 10 minutes interval training on the stepping machine
    6. 10 minute intervals on an elliptical, alternating between focusing on arms and legs

    Sound easy? Try it out sometime. In 45 minutes you’ll feel like you accomplished more than the entire month before jogging away on a treadmill.

  • Gorgeous Eyes

    You don’t need heaps of scientific research to understand how the eyes can be used to attract others. Think about it - a smoldering gaze, a seductive stare, a come-hither glance...there’s a lot you can do to draw focus to yourself using your eyes. Of course, it’s not enough that you know how to gaze, stare, or glance like a goddess. Eye health is an important factor as you don’t want to be casting looks at the wrong person. As early as now, you should be taking good care of your eyes, and not just because they are the “windows to your soul.” No one wants to have eye problems, especially when some eye conditions are preventable.

    Best Foods for Eye Health

    Just as diet and exercise can give you the body that you want, these lifestyle choices can also help preserve your sight. Don’t forget that your eyes should be nourished with oxygen and nutrients that support excellent vision. On that note, you should try to eat foods rich in vitamins C and E, as well as zinc and beta carotene, which are said to slow down the progression of AMD or advanced age-related macular degeneration. Supplementation is also good - you can look into lutein and zeaxanthin to prevent cataracts or you can load up on green leafy vegetables, which are good sources of these two compounds.

    Dark Circles, Puffiness, and Wrinkles

    Beyond eating right, taking supplements, and seeing an eye doctor (regularly, if you have an eye condition), there are certain things you can do to improve the appearance of your eyes. Don’t worry, this still qualifies as eye health measures since dark circles and puffiness are often caused by a health condition, for example: allergies, nasal congestion, pigmentation irregularities, and so on. In these cases, you should try to resolve the cause of the problem before you try to experiment with different types of eye creams, eye serums, and eye patches. Otherwise, when the contributing factors are heredity or loss of collagen due to aging, you can try the offerings in store and online or even the solutions recommended by your dermatologist.

    Makeup: Safety Issues

    There’s really nothing wrong with wanting to enhance your eyes with a little or even a lot of makeup. But again, given how the topic at hand is all about eye health, you should always remember the dos and don’ts of using eye makeup. See that mascara that you’ve had for about a year now? It would be a really good idea to just chuck it in the trash and just buy a new one. Are you fond of using eyeliners? Well, you better make sure that the liner you’re using does not contain dangerous levels of lead. Should you lend cosmetics to your BFF? That depends on whether you want her bacteria to contaminate your eye makeup. What about those tools you use to apply primer, eye shadow, pigments, and glitters? It goes without saying that you should always sterilize these applicators and never forget to invest on a good eye makeup remover to avoid irritating your peepers.

  • men jumping rope

    The metabolism gets a lot of attention these days. There are workouts, diets and supplements specifically geared towards revving up your metabolic engine, enabling you to burn off unwanted body fat faster.

    Entire books have been written to address increasing the body's metabolic rate. I don't intend to cover everything in this article, more detailed explanation at www.carrievisintainer.com, but I will provide you with some of the most effective methods of jumpstarting your metabolic engine.

    First, let's address exactly what the metabolism is. Simply put, the metabolism is the body's natural ability to burn calories and oxidize fat. There are several factors that influence a person's metabolism (also known as metabolic rate).

    Some are controllable. Others are not. Examples of these factors include gender, age, level of muscle mass, amount of physical activity engaged in, diet, and other genetic factors.

    While certain aspects are outside of our control, hopefully you noticed that a few of the factors listed above are controllable. These are the factors we need to focus on when trying to boost our metabolic rate.

    Let's start with the composition of the body…

    The Only Permanent Metabolic Enhancement

    Almost all attempts to enhance the metabolism are temporary in nature and will only last for a matter of hours, or days, at most. We will talk about a couple of these in a moment.

    But first I want to go over the most effective way to improve your long-term metabolic improvement. In fact, this is the only way to achieve a permanent increase in your personal metabolic rate.

    The method I'm referring to is the addition of muscle mass. This impact takes time to develop, as muscle gains don't happen overnight. But, the long-term results are well worth the consideration.

    Studies have shown that for every pound of muscle mass you have, it requires up to 50 calories every day to maintain it.

    This means adding 10 pounds of muscle mass will enable you to burn as many as 500 additional calories every day, naturally.

    This would equal 3,500 additional calories burned on a weekly basis and will have a significant impact on your ability to shed unwanted body fat over time.

    Keeping It Natural

    Many people don't realize this, but they're actually killing their metabolisms through the foods they're putting in their bodies. The metabolism is controlled in large part by the liver - the fat oxidizing organ of the human body.

    The liver is also responsible for safely filtering toxins out of our body. When it's overloaded with toxins the liver isn't able to oxidize body fat nearly as efficiently as it could otherwise.

    If you're loading up on processed foods, refined sugars and junk food on a daily basis I can guarantee you that your metabolism has taken a serious hit because of it.

    Switching to a paleo-style diet that's rich in organic fruits and veggies, grass fed beef and wild caught fish will keep your system free and clear of all the chemicals and toxins contained in processed foods that will cause you to develop a sluggishly slow metabolism.

    Measuring Your Metabolism

    If you want to get an idea of how efficiently your metabolism is operating, there's a simple method for doing it.

    You will take a measurement of your temperature during the afternoon hours for four days straight. Record these four readings and then calculate your average temperature over those four days.

    If your average temperature is less than 98 degrees your metabolism has been compromised and is need of a makeover.

    You'll need to immediately switch to a natural diet like the one described above and make sure you're getting in at least thirty minutes of exercise four or more days per week.

    After another month you'll want to take your temperature measurements again. If you've been consistent about eating natural foods and exercising regularly you should see an improvement - even if it is only a slight improvement.

    It can take some time to undo the damage years of unhealthy habits have caused to your metabolism, so be patient.

    Exercise Often

    I'm going to wrap up this article with the most obvious method of jumpstarting your metabolism: exercise.

    Exercise, or physical activity, is also the most efficient way to immediately enhance your metabolism.

    Physical activity doesn't only burn calories while it's being performed. It also results in the burning off of additional calories during the hours following a workout.

    In fact, studies indicate the most notable metabolic impact occurs from intense weight training and cardiovascular workouts lasting for 20 or more minutes.

    So exercising does not only enable you to burn off hundreds of calories while you're doing it, but actually puts the body in a position to naturally burn hundreds of additional calories for more than 30 hours following a session of intense exercise.

    And it doesn't require an hour in your home gym to make it happen. Twenty or thirty minutes is sufficient for getting your metabolic engine revved up and keeping it there for several hours afterward.

    Hopefully you'll think twice the next time you're considering skipping a workout because you only have 30 minutes to get it in. Thirty minutes of exercise is still infinitely better than no exercise at all!

    If you want a fat blasting metabolism, the only way to get it is by devoting some time and effort to building additional muscle mass, making a consistent effort to eat natural foods as often as possible and by engaging in physical activity often.

    There are certainly other methods of boosting your metabolic rate, but these are the essentials that will have the greatest long and short-term impact on your ability to shed fat naturally.

  • fitness woman smile

    Most people have tried to achieve getting some fitness goal at least once in this lives and perhaps failed. Failure very often is the thing that puts us far from trying again , whether it's a fitness related, relationship related or business related failure, people frequently normally avoid what they've got failed straight into avoid future disappointment.

    Staying away from everything you might have failed at some point in your life will not be the best way to go about it, but learning from your mistakes, so you can improve yourself and the results for the next time is an approach you should have.

    There are many reasons why people tend to fail when it comes to achieving their fitness goals, lack of time, social support, boring training program and unrealistic goals are very common reasons why many of us quit quite early in the process. Most of these issues can be fixed or improved with the right approach to the problem.

    • First of all you need to identify what was the cause for your failure the last time you tried to take on fitness. Identifying the core problem that held you back will be a step closer to success in the future. When you have identified the issues you need to start working on fixing them to achieve better results.
    • Lack of time and location is a very popular reasons a lot of people quit exercise. You need to start with looking at you schedule and weekly routine. There are 24 hours in a day, I am very confident you will be able to find at least 30 minutes or an hour in your schedule couple of times a week for a workout. When looking for a gym make sure the location is convenient for you and easy accessible going or coming from work. You can also look into hiring a freelance private trainer to come and train you at home which will decrease your time spent coming from and going to the gym or train at home by yourself.
    • For those who know for a fact they will struggle with keeping up with yet another training program is very important to surrounded yourself with great social support. Your friends and family should be supporting you all the way by giving you reassurance and the confidence in yourself to continue. We all need a bit of a push sometimes to stick with something and your friends and family will be the best people to give you this. You can also start hanging out with like minded people who have gone through the same experiences as you and will help you stay on the path. Small group classes like Bootcamps, HIIT classes, Crossfit and other are a great way to become a part of a fast growing fitness community anywhere in the world, remember you are not alone in your journey!
    • If you are training by yourself or with a trainer you need to make sure that you have set yourself up with realistic goals. Deciding that you want to loose 10kg in a month will count as a highly unrealistic and unhealthy goal to have. Which will either lead to failure and feelings of disappointment or health problems, or maybe even both. The recommended amount for weight loss is around 500gr - 1kg per a week. If you are looking to loose anything more then that you might be setting yourself up for massive failure. Your goals set with your trainer or by yourself should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and timely. This means you need to be sure of what you want to achieve either it is weight loss, building muscle or just getting stronger, you need to be sure of what you are working towards to, how to achieve it and how long it will take.
    • Boring training programs is another reason why people so often quit and don’t look back. If the feeling of boredom at the private training sessions is starting to creep on you, go out and shop for a new trainer, most likely your current one isn’t interested enough in you as a client and your needs. Training shouldn’t be just about shedding kilograms or building muscle it should also be fun and it is your personal trainers responsibility to create the program so you can enjoy yourself and have fun while training. For those who train by themselves and are stuck in a bit of a routine the internet is an amazing tool. You can start by checking out freeyouwild.com exercise library.
    • Never getting any results. This is what will stop anyone from spending their hard earned money on a gym or a private trainer. If you have been training for months and still are unable to see the slightest change in your body composition or strength levels, something must be wrong. Either your program is very poorly designed and your trainer hasn’t been pushing you hard enough or some changes in your lifestyle need to be made. Loosing weight and getting results is not just about going to the gym few times a week, the hardest work happens outside the gym. Your daily habits influence your progress on daily basis. You need to be smart about your eating habits and you need to move. Instead of riding up the escalator or using the lift use the stairs. Instead of buying a chocolate bar, buy an apple or a banana. So if you are confident your trainer is doing a good job in the gym and you are pushing yourself hard during those few hours a day it might be worth looking at how you are doing outside the gym.
    • Traveling often for work is always hard on your fitness routine. Those of you who travel every couple of weeks, and I know there are more and more people like that every day, don’t threat you can still keep your strength levels up even while away from home. If you have a personal trainer ask them to create a travel workout routine for you. This will consist of only body weight exercises and the routine will be no longer then 10-15 minutes a day. Complete it before breakfast or in the evening and you will be able to keep your strength levels even if you travel for weeks. You can also create your own if you don’t have a trainer who can do this for you: check and example here.

    To wrap it up, all you need to do is be smart about working towards your goals. Make sure you know why you failed before end work towards fixing the issues that didn’t let you reach your desired goals in the past. Almost always the reasons will be only excuses you create or the wrong attitude to the problem. Pretty much everything will have a solution, but only if you want it enough!

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